As an organization you have incredible resources and power—why not use it to do some great things?
That’s the lesson I learned from a recent interview with a local auto shop that moved into the area. Here’s the money quote:
“Tim’s a big thinker, he thinks big, and we have an ‘anything seems possible’ kind of attitude. We’re so grateful. We have so much privilege and resource that it’s like why not? Why not have fun and share and participate?”
-Co-owner Rachel Grewell describing her partner
Turbo Tim’s is an auto repair shop that has multiple cats, puts on a car-crushing event, and hosts free mechanic workshops for women. They’re clearly having fun (one of their core values), but also thinking deeply about how to have an impact and do business differently.
As a result, there’s a buzz about them coming to town and I’ve heard from multiple people who heard about them from their other two metro locations. It’s rare that a repair shop gets cross-town buzz.
So think deeply about the kind of impact your organization can have, whether you’re a nonprofit that focuses on that anyway or a business that can look to more than the bottom line.