Social Media Boombox
Appeared as a guest on Social Media Boombox talking books:
Small Church Leadership Podcast
The Small Church Leadership Podcast invited me as a guest to talk about how churches can prepare for Christmas.
Talking Church Reviews on the Pro Church Tools Podcast
I appeared on the Pro Church Tools podcast talking church reviews and recommendations with Brady Shearer.
Church Marketing Podcast
I spoke on the Church Marketing Podcast about how to create a communication schedule and manage content.
Amazing People Podcast
Appeared on the Amazing People podcast with Chip Dizard talking about church marketing.
Social Media Church Interview
This week we appeared on the Social Media Church podcast talking with host DJ Chuang about church communication.
Talking Books with Chris Brogan
Appeared on Chris Brogan’s Human Business Way podcast where we talked books, sci-fi and Star Wars and Chris declared, “This is the nerdiest podcast I’ve ever done and I’m blaming you.”