Blogging for TextMarks
We created content for the communications platform company TextMarks in 2015, focusing on blog posts for their church and nonprofit markets.
25 Resolutions for WordPress Freelancers
We gathered the collective wisdom from the iThemes blog and shared 25 resolutions for WordPress freelancers: “Whether you need a New Year’s resolution or just some resolve… Everybody needs to get better, because you never stop building your business.”
Entrepreneurial Insight With Nancy Lyons
“Don’t get too consumed by work. All the things outside of work make you a better business person.” –Nancy Lyons
Get Practical With Tamala Huntley
“I love that I can create a website for my clients and they can manage it on their own.” –Tamala Huntley
10 Reasons Church Communicators Can Be Thankful
We put together 10 Reasons Church Communicators Can Be Thankful.
Entrepreneurial Insights With Kori Ashton
“You’re not much of an entrepreneur, in my opinion, if you don’t have the guts to ride the bull.” –Kori Ashton
First, Best & Wish You Knew
Created a series of interviews with WordPress freelancers for iThemes asking about their first client, their best client and what they wish they knew now: Jared Atchison Jennifer Bourne Carrie Dils Brad Williams Andrew Norcross Bill Erickson Aaron Campbell Curtis McHale
Helping Veterans With Happy Joe
“The public doesn’t know how to help veterans. While all veterans appreciate when someone says thank you, they need more than a thank you.” –James Dalman, Happy Joe
15 Ways Freelancers Can Win by Quitting
“We can’t change much if we don’t quit much.” –Bob Goff
Freelance Insight
The latest in a series of articles sharing freelance wisdom for iThemes: How to Survive the Freelance Cycle How to Pick Online Accounting Software Tax Tips for Freelancers How to Create a Mobile Office Why You Should Love Contracts & Lawyers How & Why to Boost Your Prices