Gorilla in Their Midst
A 286-pound gorilla escaped from his cage in the Berlin zoo on Tuesday, causing momentary panic. The eight-year-old silverback gorilla either climbed or leaped the 15-foot plate glass walls of his enclosure and began to stroll around the zoo grounds. “He just stood and scratched himself. He looked awesome but not fierce,” Berlin zoo visitor…
Back to School
An injured monkey paid a visit to a Hong Kong high school yesterday, disrupting students and leading officials on a three-hour chase before escaping into the wild. A teacher spotted the macaque in the hallway, presumably late for class. It isn’t clear how the monkey was injured or where it came from, though “Monkey Mountain”…
Man Fined for Shooting Monkey
If you’re a monkey, don’t play in Travis Allen Ballard’s South African garden. Ballard shot a vervet monkey with a pellet gun, and according to witnesses, continued to take potshots at other monkeys who were trying to assist the injured animal. Ballard was later fined $465 and the injured monkey was euthanased. The deregulation of…
Monkey on the Mayor’s Back
Have you seen a monkey on Saint Paul Mayor Randy Kelly’s back? During a recent trip to Thailand a monkey jumped onto to the mayor’s back during a tour of a Cambodian monastery. Kelly had asked reporters not to photograph the incident, though rumor is someone has a ‘monkey on Kelly’s back’ screensaver. We can…
It’s Official
Monkey Outta Nowhere has filed articles of incorporation with the state of Minnesota and is now a legally recognized Limited Liability Company.
Monkeying Around
What’s better than monkey games when you’re looking to kill an afternoon? Check out these addictive flash games: Monkey Lander – You can never get enough monkeys in space. Help the monkey nab prizes and land his spacecraft without hitting anything. Monkey Snowfight – A two player game where you lob snowballs at one another.…
About Us & Services Updated
Check out the updated About Us and Services sections for updated info about the origins of the Monkey Outta Nowhere name, the high-quality services we provide, and a lovely photo of our Head Monkey.
More Monkey Desktops
Newly branded Monkey Outta Nowhere desktops are now available in your choice of screen sizes. Get yours today and be the envy of the office.
Fancy New Logo
Monkey Outta Nowhere is sporting a new logo. Designed with the help of Taylor Design Works, the new identity made its debut at this week’s Evangelical Press Association convention in Minneapolis. Watch for the monkey-branded business cards to appear throughout the Twin Cities in business card drawings for free lunches.
Act Like a Monkey
The Zoological Society of London is looking for volunteers to act like chimps. It’s part of a study comparing human and chimpanzee behaviors. The basic idea is that chimpanzee are most closely related to humans, so the study hopes to discover how their expressions and behaviors might be helpful to humans. Apparently grunting noises and…