5 Year Anniversary: Yo-Yo’s

Monkey Outta Nowhere Yo-Yo'sThis past year Monkey Outta Nowhere celebrated five years in business. That’s quite an accomplishment, especially with the current economy. In celebration we printed up Monkey Outta Nowhere yo-yo’s and sent them off to our long-standing clients. It’s something we’ve wanted to do since the very beginning and we’re thrilled to finally have the excuse to do it.
Along with the yo-yo’s we included this explanation:

A shiny black yo-yo danced on a Chicago street corner in the summer of 1999. On the other end of the string was a skinny college kid working weekends as a street performer. The passing crowds would pause, kids staring in wide-eyed wonder as the yo-yo flew and spun in utter defiance of gravity. They left pocket change for the yo-yo man, enabling him to pay the bills his unpaid internship couldn’t.
That summer the yo-yo earned the money, but the internship launched a career. It gave that skinny college kid the experience, the contacts and the confidence to succeed and one day launch his own company.
That one day came in 2004 when Monkey Outta Nowhere began. That yo-yo man was our founder and head monkey, Kevin D. Hendricks. It only seems appropriate to celebrate Monkey Outta Nowhere’s five-year anniversary with the enclosed party favors. We hope you’ll join us in celebration.
Happy Holidays and Many Thanks.
-Monkey Outta Nowhere

You can see more pictures of the entire packaging and mailing process.
Thanks to everyone who made five years possible. I’m truly humbled to be able to serve you all by doing what I love. Thank you.
Update And it doesn’t get much cooler than seeing clients sharing and enjoying your present. OK, multiple clients sharing and enjoying your present. And adding it to a collection of desk toys. And taking a well deserved yo-yo break.
And now for a little bit of our own yo-yo fun:

You can also watch our head monkey doing some more advanced tricks.