Looking for an Intern
We had an intern last summer for the first time in our 10-year history. It was fun. We want to do it again.
Happy Christmas
Lots of Christmas fun from Church Marketing Sucks, including 57 Christmas videos, the power of tradition and church attendance stats.
99 Productivity Tips
Put together a list of 99 working from home tips for iThemes. It’s in-depth and full of productivity goodness.
Veterans Day
Wrote a few quick Veterans Day posts for iThemes and Church Marketing Sucks, highlighting the work of Happy Joe to train veterans in WordPress and Mark Horvath and his work with homeless veterans. While we are thankful for our veterans, it’s great to be able to do more than say thank you.
Hosting the I4J Live Hangout on Online Church
Today I hosted the I4J Live Hangout discussing online church with Nils Smith, Jason Caston and Nate Friedrichsen.
I4J Live Hangout on Depression
Our own Kevin D. Hendricks appeared on the I4J Live Hangout discussing depression and the church.
Better Communication Going on a Decade
Church Marketing Sucks celebrates its 10th anniversary this month! We’ve been editing the blog since the beginning. Anniversary festivities include asking if church marketing still sucks, giving out discounts and lots of great stuff.
Thanks Elizabyth
We’ve got an intern! Her name is Elizabyth Ladwig, and her main job is proofreading a lot of the blog posts that come in for us.
Amazing People Podcast
Appeared on the Amazing People podcast with Chip Dizard talking about church marketing.
Social Media Church Interview
This week we appeared on the Social Media Church podcast talking with host DJ Chuang about church communication.