I’ve been blacklisted because of the word ‘sucks’ for the first time since starting work on Church Marketing Sucks more than three years ago. OK, so ‘blacklisted’ may be a bit harsh (but it makes for a good story). In reality one of my clients will no longer publish my work because of my involvement with Church Marketing Sucks, specifically because of the use of the word ‘sucks.’ You can decide if that warrants the word ‘blacklisted’ or not.
It wasn’t a personal thing and I don’t know enough details to take it personally. ‘Sucks’ is a controversial word (especially in conservative circles) so this wasn’t exactly a surprise. The bigger surprise might be that it took three years. (Check out my defense of the word ‘sucks’ if you agree I should be blacklisted.)
If anything, I’m bummed that I won’t have further opportunities to write for this client. You always hate to lose clients as a freelancer. And this one, well, sucks because I enjoyed the projects I had done for them. I was hoping to do more.
Oh well, that’s how it goes. Things may change in the future, so we’ll see what happens.